Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Divorcing the marriage of faith and politics.

When I became a Christian at the age of 13, the concept of faith and politics seemed quite polar opposites.  I had a fantastic youth leader and what I thought was a great pastor who believed that the message of God was that we are to lead with an example of love to the people who feel they cannot be loved.  Over the years, I’ve watched my pastors become more and more obsessed with politics and in particular merging Christian faith with Republican Party ideals. 

And I just don’t see it meshing… 

I was taught that Jesus gave his life on the cross for ALL humanity. But my leaders in the early 90’s began taking up the vanguard idea that God CANNOT love the Homosexual and we must therefore oust them through every method we can find. Why? Weren't there people living in Sin the very day Jesus gave his life for them? Did he stop the crucifixion? No!

I left my home church because they brought in Non-Christian people and paid them fifty bucks a day to lobby from the church signatures to put Springfield Oregon’s measure 20-08 on the ballot. The first controversial City Constitution Amendment to declare Homosexuality “abnormal and perverse”.  Were we really so afraid of two men living together that we were desperate enough to hire Non-Christians to impose our will? 

And I know that we are all sick of hearing election posts, but let me touch on this point because I think its currently key to my argument. 


Pastors for years taught us in our little Pentecostal world that Mormon’s are not the same thing as Christians.  We had WHOLE production teams we paid with our tithes to make movies and write books about how this church, founded in America by a horse thief and con artist was not the same thing as orthodox Christian faith. 

Here’s an excerpt from The God Makers, a documentary movie about The Latter Day Saints that was circulated all over churches across the country. 

Before my Mormon friends start a tirade on this one, let me address a few issues.  I’ve personally read The Book of Mormon both PRE and POST 1985 “Translation” when the offensive “God cursed black people” reference was removed. I’ve read Doctrines and Covenants; I’ve read Pearl of Great Price.  All of Joseph Smith’s books. I’ve also read Ronald Enroth’s book Kingdom of the Cults and his discussion of the Latter Day Saints is spot on from my own research. 

I have no problems with Mormon’s “Family Values”; I have no problems with Mormon’s “Practice of Faith”.  What I disagree with is the doctrine surrounding the notion that “Another Testament of Jesus Christ” exists and found in the United States of America. Therefore the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s vision of Jesus, in my research and opinion, is not the same Jesus I know and serve. 

It’s not that I can’t be friends with Mormons, I do have several, and I just have respectful disagreements.


What concerns me most this year is the attitude of the party that boasts itself as the vanguard of Christians and Conservatives and Fundamentalists placed its trust for the future of the country in a MORMON BISHOP!  Before Romney was a Governor, he was a Bishop in the Latter Day Saints church. 
So let me get this straight… The Republican party trusted its future and its politics in the leader of an institution that for years they have preached was Ungodly? 

And now that he lost the election, we Christians are supposed to moan and complain that the “Christian Candidate” lost? We are supposed to secede from the union because the "Christian" lost and the "Socialist" won.

Can I remind you folks again of The God Makers?

They made two of these!

I want you to take a moment and think about the dichotomy here.  We are expecting to pay a man who Christians have taught is NOT a Christian to lead a party of Christians to retake the White House and Force this country into line again because the evil socialist Obama has ruined our country.
Do you know what’s ruined this country?  It ain't socialists. What’s ruined this country is that people profess this to be a Christian Nation and we don’t act like it. 

And the best line covering this, came from a comedian.

I realize by posting this, I am probably going to offend a lot of my friends.  Mormons, Conservatives, Christians, and by nature of reposting this on Facebook, probably all of my Atheist and Alternative Faith friends.  But let me go a step further…

Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Right, Left, These are all MAN MADE ideals. I profess that Jesus’ ideals are far and above what any one single political organization professes. I profess that while a Christian can and should be involved with politics; I don’t think our politics should be our faith. 

The greatest example of a political mover as a Christian who was never a politician despite people pushing him to be one, was Dr. Martin Luther King. 

This man, a pastor, felt that the issue of Civil Rights was a struggle that every believer should stand behind.  Sadly, in his era, few Churches outside of the African American churches initially joined his cause. Apparently many still felt that they had their own church and they had their place and they should stay in it.  Determined, Dr. King rose up and made the struggle of the African American the struggle of the American. 

I am now therefore taking a page out of his playbook.  I’m Native American, A Goth, a Poor Man, a Snake Keeper, and a Pentecostal.  I am everything that neither the conservatives nor liberals want for one reason or another.  I am therefore divorcing my faith from my political party (as if I had one).  I am divorcing my faith from the image of anything OTHER than Jesus.  No leader in politics will take his place in my mind.  No media mogul, no rich and vitriolic gas bag, no televangelist, will take the place of Jesus in my life. 

And if pursuing Jesus above political party offends you, if pursuing his example of living above pounding people into submission offends you.  Then I pray God blesses you and gives you what you need. 


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